18+ themes / 18+ friendly . oc friendly . mvrp friendly.

  intro   Thank you for taking the time to read my carrd!
All my RP partners should be 18+ as a bare minimum.
I am generally a pretty lax person who is willing to accommodate your schedule. I am happy to do content and bug you with my company. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.


The Twisted Mind.

Grimar finds solace in travel, a remedy for his restless mind. The open road promises encounters with intriguing souls—a wellspring of entertainment. It’s this very allure that transforms him into a mischievous troublemaker, delighting in the reactions he elicits.
He distracts himself from haunting memories. Yet, deep down, he harbors a fear: solitude—the echo chamber of his thoughts—terrifies him. So, he seeks a lifeline against the abyss within..

Arm's Dealer.

In the dimly lit alleys of black markets, Grimar’s name echoes like a haunting refrain. Whispers weave tales of his transformation—from once-celebrated mercenary to elusive arms dealer.


Grimar’s Aether possesses an uncanny quality, evoking both curiosity and unease. While it may outwardly appear ordinary, its composition reveals an intricate interplay of feral and robust. Notably, It defies categorization, hinting at depths beyond mere superficiality.


For those adorned in garleans or with a shadowy past, whispers of an enigmatic experiment known as ‘Obsidian 23’ linger like ancient secrets. Perhaps they recognize Grimar from faded ‘Wanted: Alive’ posters, relics of a bygone era.


Grimar has been seen doing unusual deals in certain markets, words of their trades in the underground have started to come up for others to hear which were not for ones that are faint of heart

Feline Hatred.

Due to Grimar's true nature an unusual fragrance emanates from him. This peculiar scent has an unsettling effect on cats, Hrothgar's, miqo's, and other feline creatures, leading them to harbor an instinctual aversion toward him. In some cases, their reaction may even escalate to aggression. Curiously, Grimar reciprocates this sentiment, harboring a distinct dislike for felines.
Thus, if you happen to be the owner of a feline companion, it would be prudent to maintain a safe distance between them and Grimar.


Obsidian 23

Life's a gamble, so I hunt for the odds and laugh in the shadows. In this game of chance, I play with grit, wit, and a dash of darkness..

core details

  •   name    Grimar Ozarath.

  •   alias    Grim, Big Guy

  •   age    32.

  •   pronouns    He/Him.

  •   species    Experiment.

  •   Job    Arm's Dealer/Freelancer.

  •  sexuality   Straight.

  •   origin    Coerthas.

  •   Home    Lavender Beds.

  •   alignment    Chaotic neutral.

  ATTITUDE    The room trembles under the weight of his heavy footsteps—the kind that announce authority or danger. As he strides in. His gaze sweeps the space, lingering on every shadow, every hidden corner. Perhaps he acknowledges you with a mere flicker of his eye—the other concealed beneath a mysterious eyepatch, its secrets locked away.
But it’s his smirk that chills the air—a devil’s amusement, a promise of mischief. His voice, gruff and seasoned, carries the weight of unspoken stories. You wonder what sins lie buried in those gravelly tones. And then, without warning, his remaining eye narrows—a laser of scrutiny. It dissects you, measures your worth, and finds you wanting—or perhaps intriguing.
In that charged moment, you realize: this stranger is no ordinary wanderer. He’s a riddle wrapped in leather and shadows, and you’re caught in his calculating gaze.".


  appearance    The broad shouldered build, with short slicked back locks of a salt and pepper effect comes off aged. Yet the stress of his life has attested to his appearance. Scars litter his body from the many fights he has witnessed, some started some simply ended. His features include, near honey ambered irises as decorated with thick black lashes. Facial hair that is both well groomed and rough in mutual affects, maintaining the salt and pepper appearance. An eye patch that adorns his left eye that is not easily missed. Usually seen with a sneering grin upon his lips.

  •   height    6'7".

  •   weight    246 lbs.

  •   eyes    Amber

  •   hair    Salt and pepper.

  •   scars    Many.

  •   languages    Eorzean, Ishgardian.

  •   gear    Chest Plate.

  •   gear    Steel Toe Boots.

  •   weapon    Gunblade.

  •   weapon    Dagger.

  •   weapon    Dual Swords.

  •   accessories    Black Eyepatch.

  •   accessories    Black Bandage.

  •   accessories    Golden Earrings.

  •   accessories    Necklace.


Hunting, Skywatching, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Causing trouble, Sweets, Company, Brawls, Working out, Lotta food.
Useless People, Cats, Voidsent, Garleans, Bright lights, Mornings, Fruit, Felines, Silence, Paperwork.



Childhood Grimar, an ordinary snow wolf pup, was born with a thick, obsidian-black fur coat amidst the frost-kissed peaks of the Coerthas highlands. Before Grimar could celebrate his first year, the Garlean scientists descended upon the tranquil wilderness. Their cold, calculating eyes saw not a creature of nature, but a canvas for their twisted ambitions. They captured Grimar, spiriting him away from his snowy sanctuary and family.
Within the sterile confines of their clandestine laboratory, the scientists subjected Grimar to unspeakable experiments. Allagan technology and forbidden aether manipulation coursed through his veins, altering his very essence. Memories blurred, fragmented, and faded like frost melting under a relentless sun.
But the Garleans craved more. They yearned to understand the mind, the primal instincts of their creation. And so, they invoked ancient rites, channeling aether through Grimar’s veins. His form shifted, bones elongating, fur receding. He emerged not as a wolf but as a hyur, a twisted reflection of humanity.
His amber eyes, once untamed, now held a flicker of sentience. The beast’s instincts warred with newfound reason. Grimar stood on the precipice of two worlds, the wild and the civilized.
One fateful night, as the moon hung low over the snow-cloaked peaks, Grimar’s dormant instincts stirred. The Allagan machinery that bound him weakened, and he glimpsed the truth, the scientists had forged him into something more than a mere wolf. His senses sharpened, and a primal rage simmered within.
Grimar’s escape began with a single heartbeat, a defiant rhythm that echoed through the sterile halls. His claws scraped against the cold metal floor as he slinked through dimly lit corridors.
He encountered guards, men clad in Garlean armor, their eyes devoid of compassion. But Grimar was no longer just a wolf. he was fury incarnate. Fangs bared, he tore through their ranks, leaving crimson trails in his wake. The laboratory alarms wailed, and chaos erupted. Grimar vanished into the night. His path was uncertain, seek vengeance against those who had stolen his innocence. Seeking refugee within Ishgard. Hidden within As a Hyur..
Adolscence As Grimar aged, the world grew harsher. No longer a pitied boy, he scavenged for scraps, his gaunt frame a testament to his struggle. But fate intervened when a girl, Ayanna, crossed his path. She was delicate, her compassion a beacon in the darkness. Ayanna led him to her home, fed him, and bathed away the grime of his existence. Her eyes held no pity only warmth.
Grimar rested in Ayanna’s spare bed, unused to such care. When he awoke, he felt as though he’d overstayed his welcome. But Ayanna’s hand on his stopped him at the door. Loneliness echoed in her gaze, and he stayed. They became more than strangers, more than friends. Love bloomed, and they married beneath the moon’s watchful eye.
Yet shadows crept into their happiness. Ayanna’s fondness for an Au ra man gnawed at Grimar. He followed her one moonless night, heart pounding. There, he witnessed her betrayal, their betrayal. Fury consumed him, and he became the monster he feared. Ayanna and the Au ra lay lifeless, and Grimar’s soul fractured.
Now, Grimar wanders, haunted by memories. The pendant once a gift of love hangs heavy around his neck.
Adulthood After years of struggle, Grimar mastered self-control, yet his mind remained shattered. The pendant, the last gift from his lost love, became his anchor. Gripping it, he felt the scars on his palms, a reminder of past fury. He vowed never to inflict that pain on another. And so, he became a monster hunter, seeking redemption in each creature slain.

Side Hussle

Arms Dealer

Fire Arms

Grimar creates masks from real faces with Mechanical work for emotions, so they are realistic and could easily deceive anyone.
The Ebonstar features a sleek, black blade with intricate etchings along its length. The gunblade’s overall design strikes a balance between traditional sword aesthetics and modern firearm functionality.
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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


ability name
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Nyxian Daggers Cursed
The Nyxian blade is forged from obsidian-black steel, its edge honed to a razor’s precision. The strap sheath is equally ominous. it clings to the blade like a second skin. The wearer can secure it discreetly—whether on their boot, hidden within their coat, or strapped to their leg.
ability name
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
ability name
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.